Friday, July 18, 2014

Travel Itinerary-Frankfurt

As the take off day approaches, more and more little things have fallen into place. I managed to sift through all the student loan paper work and submit it without any errors the first time around! A major accomplishment since international students must submit loan paperwork the old fashioned way (think spreadsheets and very little electronic help). My visa is my last BIG hurdle, which should hopefully be taken care of by the end of the month. Although I still have a lot of little things staring me in the face (banking, cell phone, plane ticket, selling possessions) I've managed to make some fun plans for the first few months I'm there. The biggest of which is flying out to Frankfurt for a long weekend to the Frankfurter Buchmesse or the Frankfurt Book Fair. It's the largest book fair in the world and from what I could judge based off of the pictures, looks to be the next incarnation of Comic Con. People cosplay at these events! But it's also a fantastic opportunity to meet well established people who work in the industry and network your ass off. Which is exactly what I plan to do. Literary agent anyone? Have your been to Frankfurt? What are some things to do and see while I'm there?

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Find Your Truth, Get Brave

Summer is in full swing here and I took a few weeks off to enjoy it! I just realized the other day that England doesn't really go above 75F very often, so my days of hot and sunny summer days are numbered! I am now only 2 months away from leaving!! Really, where does the time go?

I was conversing with Sarah from A Nonsensical Education the other day about bravery. What is bravery exactly and why do some of us seem to have loads of it while others none at all? TV and movies have told us that bravery is standing up to the bad guys, taking them down and in many instances saving the world. Or maybe it's standing up to a friend or fighting for what you DO want. The hero. Looked up to by many, imitated by even more. Lately though our focus seems to have shifted to the antihero, the everyday guy or girl who just happens to be in the right place at the wrong time. We tend to gravitate to people we can most identify with so that's no surprise there. They don't want or feel like they know how to be brave, they have to figure it all out as they go. As much as I love a good antihero movie, I stop and wonder about those acts of bravery that no one talks about or that is taboo. The act of finding out what is best for you and going for it.

This often involves stress, the struggle to figure out who you are, and lots of objections and what ifs. You could drive a person mad with what if scenarios. Inevitably you'll encounter a split audience. Brick walls will abound and your plans may morph a few hundred times. Fear will creep in, and that is the defining emotion that decides whether we will take the leap or not. Think of it like a universal game of truth or dare, only instead of picking one or the other, your choose both, first to find and speak your truth, then to be dared to face that truth head on. And just like the game you played as kids, there are always a few that would rather sit it out and just watch. They know they COULD participate, but what if the question is embarrassing? Or they're too scared to do the dare? No, no chances for these folks, and they will be sitting on the proverbial sidelines for much of their life. Others will take the truth, hoping to God it isn't too personal, answer (truthfully or not, who knows) and slowly slink back into the circle. They're in with the crowd, but don't yet have enough self awareness to jump in 100%. The vast majority of people end up right here, a condition of the play it safe dogma that seems to run rampant now a days.

Then there are the ones who yell DARE before the question is even asked because they are ready. They know all their truths are out there for the world to see and they are so ready to take on the challenges that the world has given them, even if that dare is to streak through the neighbors yard wearing only a giant cheese head (I live next to Wisconsin, I've seen it happen). Seek out your truths and get ready to 'streak' through life showing off all that is you. The universe will thank you for it.

PS-New signature!! Do you like?