It's odd to look out my window and see no snow. By now in Minnesota, there might be a few inches of snow on the ground and temps below freezing. Currently I have my window open. Being someone who doesn't like the winter anyways, its a lovely change.
You might have noticed that grad school has kept me extraordinarily busy. I underestimated the workload for sure, but now I'm staring down nearly a two month break devoted to travel and my creative pursuits, and that means you! In the next few weeks I'll be updating the blog with my adventures so far, and hopefully you'll see some new ones pop up before school resumes. I hope to achieve more of a work life balance this coming semester so you won't be faced with 2 months of blog silence. You can expect blogs about Germany, Christmas, more British observations I've made, lots more of my photography and what I hope to achieve in the coming year! So sit tight loves, your next blog is coming to you shortly. Thanks for the wait xx

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