Saturday, September 27, 2014

Second Week Thoughts

Rolling hills of the Cotswolds (image may not be used without permission Copyright Mastering Oxford)
So its been 2 whole weeks since I landed in England. Apologies for not writing sooner, its been a whirlwind. Let's just say the minute I landed I had problems. I found my way around fine, but since I didn't have a sim in my phone, it wasn't getting Internet. Which is where my e ticket for the bus to Oxford was.  You could see I had purchased a ticket, but the check in logo wasn't there. And I couldn't get another one because my debit cards weren't working in Heathrow. I nearly had a meltdown in the airport! Poor planning on my part, but it was all a learning experience. Fortunately for me, the driver let me on and I made it to Oxford around 10am. What I've found most interesting is that all the lovely feelings that I had about Britain before I got here have not re emerged. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it here! I think I expected to land on my feet and start running head first into this new life but I ended up  landing on one foot, stumbling and nearly face planting.  So much I didn't account for. Like walking. Everywhere. My feet after the first week were raw. And needing cloth bags to swing over your shoulder so you don't cut your hands in two lugging groceries home. The fact that doors here are pushed open and not pulled. That because of all the moisture in the air I may never had straight hair in England. (It's the small things). Having nothing upon arrival. I knew this but to look in the loo and not even have loo paper there is enough to make you go mad after an 8 hour flight and some wicked jet lag.

But there are some things that I've come to love. Like grocery delivery. The smell of the English air (and the men). The fact that there are no bugs here. The sheer amount of history around me. The fact that I've only been asked about Obama once. My flatmates. Here is where I really lucked out. I've been placed with the weirdest, most wonderful bunch. There are 6 of us, I am the only American. 4 guys and 2 girls. Latvia, Romania, Croatia, Japan, France. 48 hours after meeting we were unbelievably bonded. ( I guess when your Romanian flatmate appears in his underwear 24 hours after you've met in the kitchen needing his brownie that's bound to happen) It hasn't been perfect, and we've already had some drama. And if it had been with anyone else, it could have ended a lot worse. The last thing you want is to not go home because your flatmates are being asses. But we are all committed to this being home, and after conversations and sleep it's on it way to being fixed. Like I said, I could not have asked for a better bunch of weirdoes.

Everything prior to 12 Sept seems like a lifetime ago and in truth it really is. When you uproot yourself, even if its to a place you love, don't expect everything (or anything for that matter) to go smooth. It's a shock to the system and you will need time to adjust (not to mention at least a week to get over the jet lag) Don't become discouraged if after a week you haven't made a solid friend or are still apprehensive about getting groceries on your own. Take a walk, make a date with you and your new surroundings. If you take it slow, you're bound to last.

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